Sunday, August 8, 2010

Create More Jobs!

I have an idea. With all this talk about Social Security and raising the age requirements. How about we lower the age requirement to retire. This will remove an older generation from the employment pool allowing them to retire and bask in the sun. In turn, it will open up more jobs for the current unemployed. Also, generally the older generation earn a higher pay for the same service a new hire can bring at a new hire lower wage. Wouldn't this also save the employer costs? Wow, does this make sense?

Think about the relief this can bring. Looking forward to retiring at an younger age. Leading happier fuller lives rather than feeling like a hopeless drone. Think about the jobs this could create and the money that can be pumped back into the economy.

Oh wait, how do we pay for it when the Social Security pool is already drying out? Hmm...stop Government Waste, increase Social Security Tax? Why not? Would we really miss a few extra bucks a week in taxes? I think most people wouldn't mind. When people have an income, they spend money. When money is spent it trickles down through the tax system and then back into the economy and then back into our pockets and so on and so on. Think about the long term. Think about job security. Think about being able to retire yourself, at an earlier age. Who wouldn't invest into that?



  1. This makes sense to me.

    Dan Cataldo

  2. I always said that college is a deliberate attempt to keep young people out of the workforce 5-10 years so that baby boomers can continue to work.

  3. I agree with you Stacy.
    Let the boomers retire!


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